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Does your aged care signage meet the required diligence

For more information or a free on-site consultation, call 1300 762 764 or click below.

Aged care


Utilise our Aged care

13 step Visual Strategy Workshop.

CSI have an Aged Care Facility Site and Visual Strategy Workshop to help determine where your sign and communication system needs improving, and how it can be achieved!

Improvements are easier and more economical to achieve with CSI.

We will visit your facility and check against the these :

1. Main identity sign

Does it best represent your Brand in a way you would like your community to see it?

2. Digital signs

We use a 7- issue assessment to determine whether digital signs have a role internally or externally.

3. Sign lighting

Are there instances where backlit or sign lighting improves safety?

4. Wayfinding check

Can carers and family find their way without asking for directions? Has enough been done to make it easy for elderly residents to find their way without anxiety about not knowing where to go?

5. Access blockers

Is there anything in the way of people finding the place they need to be at?

6. Sign Legibility

Can they read the signs from a distance – is the lettering high enough? As a high proportion of visiting family may be elderly, this is often not optimal – especially when arriving by car for the first time.

7. Emergency Wayfinding

Is it easy to find the way to Emergency Assistance?

8. External Sign Legibility

Are signs easy to read if it is raining heavily or at night?

9. Colour Coding Opportunities

Are signs colour coded consistently? E.g yellow signs are more easily seen by elderly – it is the last colour to be lost in the spectrum in degenerative conditions.

10. Dementia Friendly Internal Signs

We reference a number of existing health care standards to determine the correct practice for signage placement and wording. These include; a lower height, directional signs accompanied by clearer word descriptions, e.g. “this way to the garden.”

11. Carpark Signage

Does the carpark signage function adequately? – is vehicular traffic slowed because of unclear signage that visitors cannot see properly? Do visitors park in the correct places?

12. Current Sign Condition

Are signs safe, secure (fixings in adequate condition) and free of visible wear and tear?

13. Arrivals check

Do visitors arrive where you want them to? Are visitors allowed to walk unauthorised through the facility? – if they are not allowed, is it possible for them to do so?

CSI will identify what needs improving, and then determine how to make improvements cost effective in three easy steps.


Create a Tailored Facility Checklist

We modify our diligence check to ensure that the uniqueness of the facility and its challenges are part of the assessment.


Understand the OPERATIONAL priorities for key parts of the facility

We discuss to understand what you are aiming to achieve operations-wise. In particular, where you want people to arrive, so you remain in control of where you want visitors to go. This also goes for “troubled” Residents who may suffer a degree of impairment.


Perform an Independent WAYFINDING check

We undertake an analysis of the “wayfinding”, sign types, placement and sign numbers and come up with a report outlining potential areas of improvement, plus how and what improvements may look like.


We have an Aged Care Facility Site & Sign Audit to help determine where your sign and communication system needs improvement.


We use a 7-issue assessment to determine whether digital signs have a role internally or externally.


We modify our diligence check to ensure that the uniqueness of the facility and its challenges are part of the assessment.



Your Outcome from an Visual Strategy Workshop

Designed to provide you with a valuable independent assessment and plan.

A report on the condition of all signage:

The number of signs and their location – with suggestions of what to remove, add or augment (e.g add double sided).

An Independent WAYFINDING report:

Using your current facility map as a reference point.
This will include direction description checks using our dementia guidelines.

A digital rendering of recommendations:

Showing recommendations on top of real images of the facility – so it is easier to understand the potential of any changes.

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Everything You Need

to Know About Signage