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1. Position your BRAND with confidence, with family friendly themes

Reinforce the values you would like to project to parents.

Reinforce the values you would like to project to parents.

Successful designs often are bright, with natural materials that are friendly and approachable.

Successful designs often are bright, with natural materials that are friendly and approachable.

Is your signage visible? Did you know a sign parallel to the road is only seen by 28% of motorists?.

Is your signage visible? Did you know a sign parallel to the road is only seen by 28% of motorists?.

2. Make the facility appear welcoming – to parents and children.

Good signage should provide clear direction from the street & carpark to the front door. It should give an impression of a safe location with easy access for parents.

Make the facility appear welcoming – to parents and children.

Apart from your brand, additional signage with pictures and statements can help convey your mission in more detail that helps build the confidence amongst first time parents.

Signs should encourage parents to interact with staff, and the facility.

Apart from your brand, additional signage with pictures and statements can help convey your mission in more detail

3. Safety…

We look at protecting your children from strangers! Simple but effective signage can brighten up your centre while providing the necessary safety warnings and viewing protection at the same time.


4. Good Communication about rules and general safety is critical and also important to illustrate your position to prospective Parents.

Signage may include:

  • “Parent Guardian Must sign Child out on departure”
  • “Wash your Hands”
  • “Watch for Children” (carpark signs)
  • Define pedestrian crossings in the carpark with accompanying signage
  • Pedestrian crossings or pathways should be wide enough for 2 prams (with accompanying signage)
  • Directional arrows in a carpark, to help “through traffic” so vehicles enter and leave in a forward direction.
  • Driveway access has warnings for pedestrians using the footpath (to cross)
  • The facility branding and welcome message present in arrivals carpark – in addition to being on the building main entrance.
  • Drop off / pick up ZONES marked in the carpark..
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